In the interim, as a special thank you here’s your personal invitation to the sprint-course that’s going to blow your mind…


Your All-in-One Solution to Tap Into The Power of Global Search To Attract More Qualified Prospects Into Your Business: Save Time, Stop Relying on Social Media, And Say Goodbye To Creating Content That Doesn't Get You Results!!

Today Only

[usual price £129 - this offer is not available anywhere else!]

Learn the steps I take to attract aligned clients 24/7 using one piece of Evergreen Core Content that is matched to my Profitable Assets and Repurposed for Global Profile & Authority

Are you ready to stop wasting time pushing out content on social media that vanishes into the ether within seconds?

Are you ready to start making money from your knowledge by attracting aligned clients into your business 24/7?

If so, you need my proven strategy and system to help you grow and monetise your business!


Beyond Social

This online course guides female coaches, mentors and experts to take their knowledge Beyond Social by crafting unique and remarkable messaging that attracts aligned clients, matching it to profitable assets, and harnessing the power of Global Search to sell their knowledge 24/7.

What if things could be different?

How would your days change if you weren't relying on social media to attract clients?

The truth is, people aren't on social media searching for solutions to their problems - they use Global Search for that! When you harness the power of Global Search you position yourself as an Expert and reach the people who are actually SEARCHING for the solution you provide!

How would it feel to have aligned clients message you asking how to start working with you?

When your messaging is remarkable and you're sharing it in the right ways in the right places, you position yourself as an Authority. When people are searching for solutions to their problems and are lead directly to your content, they automatically know you can help and are ready to buy!

What if you could spend only a few hours a week on your messaging and content?

Get your Core Content created and Catapulted in just a few hours a week frees you up to focus on doing the work you love, serving your clients and creating more value assets to bring more money into your business. There is simply no need to spend hours every day creating content.

Here’s what's included:

During FOUR Modules you'll learn all this


Welcome & Introduction

This welcome video sets the scene as to why Social Media isn't a reliable business growth tool and how I'll guide you to use Global Search for 24/7 Sales.


Remarkable Evergreen Messaging

Dive into the exact elements that make messaging evergreen and remarkable, giving you a framework to explode your niche and attract more clients.


Strategic Idea Generation

My simple system will strategically fill your content calendar for the next 12 months in less than 1 hour. Stick to this and the clients will follow.


Messaging Pillars

Create your unique messaging pillars that g will help you with consistency and content planning. Once you've got your pillars you'll storymine months worth of content in minutes!


Profitable Assets

How to create assets that form a Simple Client Pathway leading your new clients deeper into your business and higher paid offers. How to match your content to your assets for ease of sale.


Asset Audit & Repurpose

Guidance on how to find assets you may already have and repurpose them for sale. This is also where you'll use your Remarkable Messaging as inspiration for an asset creation schedule.


Core Source Content

How to identify the best core source content for you bearing with your strengths and bearing mind the ease of the repurposing journey. If this isn't easy for you chances are you won't do it - so make it easy!


20X Repurpose

Learn my easy Content Catapult system that takes one piece of source content and repurposes it in all the right places so it attracts clients 24/7 forever! You'll also get my super simple content scheduler you'll actually be able to stick to!



When you enrol you'll receive the 'Start Your Profitable YouTube Channel Checklist'. My Advise to all experts is to start a YouTube channel TODAY - and with this checklist you'll get it right first time!

Purchase Course for £59

one-time payment & lifetime access

[usual price £129 - this offer is not available anywhere else!]

Feedback From Past Students

Your Mentor

Sally Oddy

With over 20 years Marketing experience, and having started my own business in 2012, I'm not your average business mentor! Messy Imperfect Action and Simplicity are my Core Motivating Values and I'm a writing-addicted-gypsy-soul who wears her Rebel Badge with pride.

You'll always know where you stand with me, I'm generous with my knowledge and transparent in the tactics I use in my business.

I have a tonne of online business and marketing experience and have filtered out the stuff that doesn't work.

I don't believe in one-size-fits-all - everything I teach is grounded in Alignment Practices.

I know loads of the shortcuts and best routes and am driven to share them.

I'm a sassy South African Yorkshire Lass and as soon as you meet me you'll feel like we've known each other for years!

Lotsa luv, Sally xo


When does the course start and finish?

This is a self-paced online course that starts as soon as you enrol. Work through the lessons and implement as you go Beyond Social! This is a sprint course with only 4 modules you should be able to work through this in ONE DAY!

How long do I have access ?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to the materials for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. We refer here to the lifetime of the product and includes any updates made over time.

What if I'm unhappy with the course?

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us within 30 days of purchase and we will assist you. Due to the nature of the course we do not offer refunds. All sales are final.

Purchase Course for £59!

one-time payment & lifetime access

[usual price £129 - this offer is not available anywhere else!]

© Copyright 2022 Sally Oddy Ltd